An Introduction to Linear Mixed-Effects Modeling in R

Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science

This Tutorial serves as both an approachable theoretical introduction to mixed-effects modeling and a practical introduction to how to implement mixed-effects models in R. The intended audience is researchers who have some basic statistical knowledge, but little or no experience implementing mixed-effects models in R using their own data. In an attempt to increase the accessibility of this Tutorial, I deliberately avoid using mathematical terminology beyond what a student would learn in a standard graduate-level statistics course, but I reference articles and textbooks that provide more detail for interested readers. This Tutorial includes snippets of R code throughout; the data and R script used to build the models described in the text are available via OSF at, so readers can follow along if they wish. The goal of this practical introduction is to provide researchers with the tools they need to begin implementing mixed-effects models in their own research.

Posted on:
March 25, 2021
1 minute read, 150 words
mixed-effects modeling R speech perception resources tutorial
See Also:
The Effects of Temporal Cues, Point-Light Displays, and Faces on Speech Identification and Listening Effort
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